Arbitrage AI Trading Platform-{Arbitrage AI Scam}-The Role of AI in Arbitrage Trading: How Arbitrage AI Enhances Decision-Making ??

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Только пришел
16 Окт 2024
TON Testnet

How Arbitrage AI Works

3.1 Step-by-Step Process​

Here’s how Arbitrage AI works to simplify the arbitrage trading process:

Step 1: Market Scanning

The platform’s AI constantly scans hundreds of cryptocurrency exchanges around the world, analyzing price data in real-time. This allows the AI to quickly identify discrepancies between the prices of assets on different exchanges.

Step 2: Opportunity Detection

When the AI detects a profitable price discrepancy (after accounting for transaction fees, slippage, and other potential costs), it calculates the potential profit margin. It assesses whether the opportunity meets the user-defined profit threshold and risk parameters.

Step 3: Automated Trade Execution

If the opportunity is deemed profitable, the AI simultaneously executes trades on the relevant exchanges. For example, it might buy Bitcoin on Exchange A (where the price is lower) and sell it on Exchange B (where the price is higher). The trades happen within seconds, maximizing the chances of success.

Step 4: Risk Management

Arbitrage AI includes built-in risk management features, such as stop-loss settings, to prevent excessive losses in case market conditions suddenly change. The AI ensures that only trades with a high probability of success are executed.

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