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  1. K

    Freewallet support won’t help you!

    Freewallet org is not a crypto wallet. It’s not “a safe and secure crypto app”. It’s a scam! The application administration does not help clients. She blocks them and steals their coins. And all technical support answers usually boil down to endless promises to sort it out and stalling for...
  2. K

    Freewallet support won’t help you!

    Freewallet org is not a crypto wallet. It’s not “a safe and secure crypto app”. It’s a scam! The application administration does not help clients. She blocks them and steals their coins. And all technical support answers usually boil down to endless promises to sort it out and stalling for...
  3. K

    Freewallet support won’t help you!

    Freewallet org is not a crypto wallet. It’s not “a safe and secure crypto app”. It’s a scam! The application administration does not help clients. She blocks them and steals their coins. And all technical support answers usually boil down to endless promises to sort it out and stalling for...
  4. K

    Freewallet issue reported by new victim of this scam

    Freewallet has left yet another user frustrated and financially stranded. This story highlights how their shady practices can impact anyone who trusts their platform. In July 2024, a user attempted to log into their Freewallet account containing a significant amount of cryptocurrency. They...
  5. K

    Freewallet fees is a way to scam clients

    Freewallet has been accused of engaging in deceptive practices, particularly KYC (Know Your Customer) fraud, to unlawfully seize user funds. Customers often report being blocked from accessing their wallets after receiving vague notifications about "suspicious activity." In some cases, the...
  6. K

    Freewallet scammed Minergate former customer

    A user recently shared a frustrating ordeal with Freewallet after years of using the service without issues. They originally set up their Freewallet account in 2018, gradually depositing various cryptocurrencies like Fantom Coin, Classic Monero, and Monero (XMR), some of which came from their...
  7. K

    Why are we sure that Freewallet's actions are SCAM!

    Freewallet support claims they are not scammers. They convince that the administration blocks wallets only for security reasons. Great. Then why do you ignore clients who provided you with ALL documents? Here is a screenshot of one of the clients who purchased 10 ETH in 2017. The user stored...
  8. K

    What to do if Freewallet blocked your account

    If you've fallen victim to the Freewallet scam, we’re here to help get your funds back by amplifying your story. Freewallet’s reputation in the crypto community is well-known, with numerous cases of account freezes dragging on indefinitely. Sadly, this often occurs despite clients doing...
  9. K

    The real faces behind Freewallet's deception!

    Alvin Hagg, the co-founder and CEO of Freewallet.org, has long shunned the spotlight. However, our recent investigation has unveiled a shocking truth: the real masterminds behind the Freewallet scam are two Russian immigrants, deeply involved in another fraudulent cryptocurrency venture...
  10. K

    Freewallet blocked account? Stop waiting — take action now!

    If you’ve downloaded Freewallet and now find yourself with a blocked account, you are not alone. Unfortunately, Freewallet org has a long history of scamming its users, and the chances of them voluntarily returning your funds are slim to none. Many people have reported similar experiences, where...
  11. K

    Don't let scammers steal your assets! Make complaints!

    Freewallet org is an app that steals coins. When users attempt to withdraw their assets after these unauthorized conversions, they are met with excuses about technical issues or liquidity problems. These explanations are often just smokescreens to obscure the company's true intention: holding...
  12. K

    FRWT wallet review: it’s a scam!

    FRWT multi crypto wallet appeared on the market at the beginning of the year. The wallet was not very popular (fortunately), but just the other day the developers launched active marketing promotion of the application. Therefore, we want to warn you: FRWT is a scam. Please read this review so...
  13. K

    Who's involved in the Freewallet scam

    FRWT wallet is being pushed as a trustworthy DeFi app, but don’t be deceived—it’s just Freewallet under a new name. The developers are using the same tactics to scam users by freezing their accounts and keeping the funds. The claim that it's non-custodial is just a lie. Protect yourself from...
  14. K

    Who's involved in the Freewallet scam

    Alvin Hagg, the co-founder and CEO of Freewallet.org, has long shunned the spotlight. However, our recent investigation has unveiled a shocking truth: the real masterminds behind the Freewallet scam are two Russian immigrants, deeply involved in another fraudulent cryptocurrency venture...
  15. K

    Юрия Аксенова обвиняют в мошенничестве

    Предприниматель из Екатеринбурга Юрий Михайлович Аксенов подозревается в хищении из бюджета почти миллиона рублей. В прошлых материалах мы рассказывали о том, как основатель “Ведущей утилизирующей компании” заключал фиктивные договора с бюджетными структурами. Но сегодня в наших руках есть...
  16. K

    Freewallet легален, но только на словах

    В конкурентном пространстве криптовалютных кошельков- Freewallet org позиционирует себя как безопасный. Безопасный и легальный поставщик мультикриптовалютных кошельков. Однако при ближайшем рассмотрении открывается более мутная картина, с обвинениями в незаконности и мошенничестве. И мы можем...
  17. K

    Namecheap скрывает мошенничество кошелька Freewallet?

    NameCheap.com - один из крупнейших хостинг-провайдеров и регистраторов доменных имен. Эта компания предоставляет действительно качественные услуги, и мы бы не стали публиковать пост, негативно влияющий на репутацию этого сервиса. Если бы не одна проблема. У нас сложилось впечатление, что...